This morning I called my Mom to share with her the great news about my new blog! She has been more than aware of my back-and-forth decision making about going natural as a result of countless phone calls and emails over the past 4 months yammering on about what to do with my hair. So this next step, sharing my experience with the world via the interweb, was probably not so much a surprise (and now that I think about it, perhaps a bit relieving that I can now stop bothering her as much with my hair-talk?)
Her response: "oh geez. are you going to blame me?"
Well, honestly, I probably would have done the same thing: relaxed the bejesus out of my kids' hair because after 10 years of kicking, screaming, and hot comb induced tears, something's gotta give. Every single person who has laid eyes on my head knows that I have been blessed with the gift of trillions of hair follicles. Its like a stimulus package for my head! But her response led me to the following thought: how do mom's make these decisions about what to do with their daughters and sons' hair when it comes to making choices about styling, chemicals, cutting etc? What were the good decisions they made? The bad ones?
To get to the bottom of this question, I'll be doing a series of interviews with several moms about the choices they made (and are making) about their children's hair.
So, in response, no, I dont blame you for starting me in on the relaxers, Mom. But giving me that Wave Nouveau is a different discussion...